Monday, January 17, 2011

Input And Output

Ergonomic Keyboard:
A keyboard designed for ergonomic purposes as in to suit human hands, make typing more comfortable and to avoid or minimize repetitive strain injury.

Ink jet Printer:
A type of computer printer that creates digital images by spraying or propelling variable-sized droplets of ionized ink on to a sheet of paper.Magnetized plates in the ink's path direct the ink on to the paper in the desired shape.

Laser Printer:
Similar to a photocopy machine, it is type of computer printer that utilizes a laser beam to produce high quality text and graphics on to a sheet of paper. It uses a dry photocopying technique but is different from a photocopier in that the image is produced by direct scanning of a laser beam.

Magnetic - ink character reader (M.I.C.R.):
An input device widely used by banks to process large volumes of checks and deposit forms written everyday. It consist of special ink used not only for writing characters but the ink contains magnetic particles to allow the reading of printed characters by the (M.I.C.R.).

Optical – character recognition (OCR):
The mechanical or electronic recognition/translation of scanned images of handwritten, typewritten or printed text into machine-encoded text . Widely used to convert books, documents and others into electronic files which can then be manipulated or edited through computer.

Optical – mark recognition (OMR):
The technology/process of electronically extracting human-marked data from check-boxes and fill-in fields from printed forms like surveys and tests.

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