Monday, December 20, 2010

Specailized Application Software

Audio Editing Software:
A very easy-to-use software for editing different audio formats is now available and is highly recommended for those who are just starting out with sound manipulation and to those who are professionally working with sounds.

Bitmap Image:
It is one of many types of file formats for images stored in a computerized form. It is literally a map of bits that form a particular picture when rendered to a display like a computer monitor. It is a digital image made entirely out of pixels (tiny dots of individual color) in a grid.

HTML Editor:
A software application for creating web pages. Although the HTML markup of a web page can be written with any text editor, specialized HTML editors can offer convenience and added functionality.

It is media and content that uses a combination of different content forms or information in more than one form. It includes the use of text, audio, graphics, animation and full-motion video. Multimedia programs are typically games, encyclopedias and training courses on CD-ROM or DVD. However, any application with sound and/or video can be called a multimedia program. An application that can combine text, graphics, full-motion video, and sound into an integrated package. 

Vector Image:
Images made with the use of geometrical primitives such as points, lines, curves, and shapes or polygon(s), which are all based on mathematical equations in computer graphics. These images are made up of many individual, scalable objects. These objects are defined by mathematical equations rather than pixels, so they always render at the highest quality. Objects may consist of lines, curves, and shapes with editable attributes such as color, fill, and outline.

Web Authoring:
A category of software that enables the user to develop a Web site in a desktop publishing format. The software will generate the required HTML coding for the layout of the Web pages based on what the user designs.

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